
Written by ILyesMk2 and

Segment 0

An introduction.. to nothing.

Pssssssttt!  CP-YOU!  i mean YOU!  You made your way here, that's why i want to welcome you to the underground world of computers. Because chances are you've probably been using these wonderful machines for years and barely touched the surface.
As quoted below:

"RAM is a form of electronic computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code. A random-access memory device allows data items to be read or written in almost the same amount of time irrespective of the physical location of data inside the memory... Bla bla bla-"

Wooo, that was quite a bit mouthful, wasn't it? Indeed, exactly why I decided to take matters into my own hands, because after years of unknowingly working with computers i came to realize that i have a crack of cyber-rift. Despite having a solid low-level view on CPU operations, I still lacked insight into memory systems and how programs are ran after being stored both temporarily and permanently. So as any sane person, I spent hours and hours just researching on my own. This hybrid software-hardware article, which was never intended to be published, is the result of that well spent effort.

View Segment map

Segment Present Topic
What Is RAM
  • Introduction To Memory
  • The Importance Of RAM (in) Computing
  • The Basics Of it
  • The Internal Structure
  • RAM Operating
Seeds Of RAMs
  • Existence
  • SRAM
  • DRAM
  • DDR
  • GDDR
The Memory Pyramid
  • Memory Hierarchy
  • CPU Registers
  • Processes
  • Interupta-pedia
  • Memory Pointers
  • One Fusion Away From Shrinking
  • How CPUs Make Smart Guesses
Memory's VIP Treatment
  • Memory Buses
  • Floating Point Units
  • Kernel Topology
  • Over-Powered Codes
Waking Up
  • Booting From The Dead
  • Linux's Morning Routine
  • Elves Without Ears
  • Error Hunting
  • Post Start-up Obedience

Or simply go through each segment sequentially..

None of the above? Skip to the third segment if you're the father of turing machines, and i garuantee you even an old schooler will learn a thing or two!